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Biroz suhbatlashamizmi? Oramizda turgan bu lanati jimlikni odobsizlarcha buzmaymizmi birga... 17.09.2021. #Noyabr (#𝓞𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓬𝓱𝓪_)
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IqtiboslarИймонлилар каналига хуш келибсиз...) Иншааллаҳ манфаатли канал!—ɢᴜᴄᴄɪ ɢᴀɴɢ ོ🇮🇹
Iqtiboslar-ᴏ ʀ ɪ ɢ ɪ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ོ ⲧυⲭυⲙυ ⲱⲁⲅⲁⲙυ, ⲩⲃεⲣεⲏⲏⲟ ⲕ ⲙεчⲧε -цεⲗь: 5k -ⲃыⳅыⲃⲁⲉⲙ ⳅⲁⲃυⲥυⲙⲟⲥⲧь🐊 -ⲃⲥⲉ ⳝⲉⲅⲁюⲧ ⳅⲁ ⲙⲟⲇⲟύ💦 -ⲁ ⲙы υ ⲉⲥⲧь ⲙⲟⲇⲁ🦈 - Вᴧᴀдᴇᴧᴇц • @Arslon_4345 -ⲏυ ⲟⲇⲏⲟ ⲃυⲇⲉⲟ ⲏⲉ ⲟⲧⲏⲟⲥυⲧⲥ with English words
Iqtiboslar👤Created 22.07.2021 22:12 This channel is about life.🌇🏖🌅 Beautiful🌄🌈 and ordinary pictures with English🇺🇸 words(with translation in Uzbek🇺🇿) 📸 Videos 🖼️ Pictures"es 👥Group: @pics_with_eng_words_chatgroup